Friday, October 3, 2008

Flashy Friday: Election Smackdown 2008

With the election coming up in November, many programmers are making election-related flash games. Most of them suck really bad, but I randomly tried this one the other day and it was pretty funny. Election Smackdown 2008 has you do what you've wanted to do for a couple months now, and slap the crap out of the politicians.

The game is simple. You just zoom in on a candidate and if they are asleep or doing something stupid, you just slap them back into place and they lose votes. The animations are really what make this game funny though. Obama has angels surround him preaching for change, while Cheney will be firing a shotgun. Ah, good political humor.

You probably won't play this game more than once, but it's good for a quick laugh. Here's the link for Election Smackdown 2008.